updated March 2025
General Funds shall be disbursed through a grant process, twice a year, utliizing the below GRANT APPLICATION FORM (section I).
1st CYCLE: JUNE 15th application deadline – disbursement begins upon award announcement
2nd CYCLE: DECEMBER 15th application deadline –disbursement begins upon award announcement
Grants will be reviewed within 30 days. Awards will be announced via email on/ before the end of the next month.
for example: June 15th grant awards will be announced on/before July 31st December 15th grant awards will be announced on/before January 31st
NOTE: Emergency exceptions to this bi-annual cycle may be considered. For example, in case of a cruiser being totaled or a K-9’s sudden death or special equipment needed to insure the K-9’s safety. Please contact MA Vest-a-Dog President or Grant Supervisor should you wish to request an exception/interim grant application.
Specialized equipment for the K-9 dog (bullet/stab-protective K-9 vests, K-9 first aid kits, canine oxygen masks, reflective K-9 gear, specialized harnesses), training/protective clothing (bite suits/pants/jackets/sleeves/hand protectors/helmets), K-9 cruiser specialized items (kennels, heat detector/door popper units, secure storage units, door panels, window guards/fans, rear A/C systems).
Training aids (tugs, scent kits), training equipment (K-9 agility structures, scent-training boxes). Expendables (one-and-done) items will not be funded.
For training staff, K-9 handlers and their K-9 partners to attend training seminars or to fund guest trainers. Priority will be given to training that will benefit more handlers (ie: for Trainers or for guest trainers that are invited to conduct a seminar open to multiple departments or for handlers that are willing to present what they learned in a seminar to multiple departments).
Training support will not include minimal department-required in-service for certification, additional areas of certification or re-certification/maintenance training.
Partial funding of a dog specifically for K-9 Police Law Enforcement work.
**Essential equipment, training and purchase of dogs” can be further defined and also include any other reasonable request that is related, but not stated specifically above.
-minimum of two (2) MA Vest-a-Dog Board Members -one (1) current K-9 handler (open to any department) -one (1) retired K-9 handler -one (1) open seat (OPTIONAL)
1.) Urgency 2.) Frequency of use 3.) Impact on current/future K-9/program 4.) Ability to share with other K-9s in department / outside of department (in training/deployment scenarios) 5.) Longevity of Item (expected use in months or years)
Some donors/fundraisers are for a specific department – these funds are put into an line-item specific to that department, and therefore become restricted for use only by that department.
To streamline communication and avoid duplication, all departments should have a single officer contact with MAVAD.
Account Balance These fund balances will be emailed upon request to the department’s MAVAD contact Officer.
Purchase Requisition A purchase with signature of department officer plus a second signature by a K-9 Supervisor or Police Chief (or like rank) is required on a Purchase Requisition Form
1.) GENERAL CONDITIONS The applicant hereby assures and certifies that he will comply with the regulations, policies and guidelines to satisfy requirements of MAVAD grant fund program.
2.) PROGRAM EVALUATION In order for MAVAD to properly evaluate selected grant fund programs, the recipient handler or department contact for MAVAD may be contacted for follow-up information and/or updates.
3.) UTILIZATION AND PAYMENT OF FUNDS Funds awarded are to be expended only for purposes and activities covered by grantee's approved program plan and budget. MAVAD pays program funds directly to the vendor(s).
4.) WRITTEN APPROVAL OF CHANGES Grantees must obtain prior written approval from MAVAD for changes in program, which were not set forth in the approved application.
5.) TITLE OF PROPERTY Title to property acquired in whole or in part with grant funds in accordance with approved budgets shall be vested in the grantee, subject to divestment at the option of MAVAD, when its use for the program or criminal justice purposes is discontinued. Grantees should exercise due caution in the use, maintenance, protection, and preservation of such property during the period of program use. MAVAD has no title interest after the termination date of the grant.
6.) OBLIGATION OF GRANT FUNDS Grant funds may not, without approval by the MAVAD, be obligated prior to the effective date or subsequent to the termination date of the grant period. Obligations outstanding as of the termination date shall be liquidated within (6) six months. Such obligations must be related to goods or services provided and utilized within the grant period.
7.) IMPLEMENTATION OF PROJECT WITHIN (6) SIX MONTHS Grantee agrees to implement this program within (6) six months following the grant award effective date or be subject to automatic cancellation of the grant. Evidence of program implementation must be outlined in the first quarterly progress report. For just cause, grantee may apply for an extension in writing subject to approval by the grantor.
8.) AUTHORITY TO APPLY The grantee must possess legal authority to apply for the grant. This authority shall be by resolution, motion or similar action from the applicant's governing body, authorizing the filing of the application, including all understandings and assurances contained therein, and directing and authorizing the person identified as the official representative of the applicant to act in connection with the application and to provide such additional information as may be required.
9.) EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY The grantee will comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (P.L. 88-352) and in accordance with Title VI of that Act, no person in the United States shall, on the grounds of race, color, or national origin be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity for which the applicant received MAVAD financial assistance and will immediately take any measure necessary to effectuate this agreement.
10.) PERSONNEL STANDARDS The grantee will comply with the minimum wage and maximum hour's provisions of the Federal Fair Labor and Standards Act. Grantee will establish safeguards to prohibit employees from using their positions for a purpose this is or gives the appearance of being motivated by a desire for private gain for themselves or others, particularly those with whom they have family, business, or other ties.
11.) LONGEVITY OF USE / K-9 PROGRAM Grantees are required to meet the longevity of use of item / K-9 program requirement outlined in the grant application. In the event that the program in terminated before the agreed upon termination date the grantee will forfeit all property acquired with grant funds to MAVAD.
12.) TRAINING AGREEMENTS The K-9 handler will be required to participate in scheduled training and meet the minimum standards required for the certification of the police K-9 team. Furthermore, the K-9 handler will continue to participate in regular maintenance training days to maintain certification.
These awards are made possible because of generous donors and tireless volunteers – it is important they know how their funding is being spent!
Photos of all items shall be emailed to MAVAD (grants@mavestadog.org ), for use in social media posts/collage of awards funded/press releases/newsletters, website within 45 days of receipt/implementation.
Departments are expected to announce receipt of their award via their social media Chanels and/or press releases and/or press events, within 3 (three) months receipt/implementation.
Departments are expected to tag MA VEST-A-DOG social channels with their posts. Applicants (or representatives from their department) may be requested to be present at a MAVAD press conference or presentation at a mutually workable date/time/place.
FACEBOOK: @mavestadog
INSTAGRAM: @mavestadog
LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/company/massachusetts-vest-a-dog/
(NAME OF DEPARTMENT) (K-9 NAME) has received (GRANT DONATION ITEM(s) thanks to a charitable donation from the all volunteer, non-profit organization MASSACHUSETTS VEST-A-DOG. (IF VEST) K9 (NAME) vest was sponsored by MA VEST-A-DOG and embroidered with the sentiment (FROM DONOR IF APPLICABLE).
MA VEST-A-DOG, established in 2000, is a 501(c)(3) charity whose mission is to support Massachusetts' Police K-9s and teams with bullet and stab proof vests, essential equipment, training and dogs.
Since its inception, MA VEST-A-DOG, Inc. has provided over 700+ vests to K9s (including over 200 specialized SWAT K-9 Vests) across the commonwealth.
The vest program is open to Massachusetts' Certified Law Enforcement dogs that are at least 18 months old and actively employed and certified with law enforcement agencies. K9s with expired vests are also eligible to participate.
MA VEST-A-DOG accepts tax-deductible contributions in any amount, while a protective vest donations range from $1,200-$2,000 depending on the type of vest. Each comes with a five-year warranty.
For more information, or to learn about volunteer opportunities, please reachout to us at info@mavestadog.org. MA VEST-A-DOG provides information, event info, offers merchandise and accepts donations at https://mavestadog.org or you may mail your contribution to P.O. Box 113, Mendon, MA 01756.
1.) Upload a quote or screen shot of item(s) requested.
2.) All applicants will receive an email from MAVAD, confirming receipt of their application.
3.) MAVAD reserves the right to request additional information from applicants as needed.
4.) Grants will be evaluated based on a variety of criteria as noted in the application by a volunteer review panel, to prioritize funding status.
5.) Awards will be announced via email on/ before the end of the next month, for example: July 30th, January 31st.
6.) Disbursement / use of the award funds begin upon award announcement/notification, and must be used within six (6) months. A written extension may be requested for consideration.
7.) MAVAD reserves the right to select a different vendor if a comparable product is available at a better price.
Excess award funds: Should grant award item(s) cost less than awarded funds, the difference will revert into the MAVAD General Fund, at the discretion of the MAVAD Board of Directors.
NOTICE: MAVAD does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, sexual preference, age, disability or veterans status, with respect to the support which MAVAD provides in it’s Articles of Organization.
If travel and expense fees are not provide they will not be covered in the grant and the responsibility of the agency.